Balance your macros. Keep your high-protein, low-carb meals to 35% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 35% protein, Brooking and Harris-Pincus suggest. On a 2,000-calorie diet, this will look like 175 g of carbohydrates, 67 g of fat, and 175 g of protein per day.
There’s no need to overload the protein. As Harris-Pincus mentioned, we can only use around 25 to 30 g of protein per meal to maximize muscle growth and repair, so stick to this number.
Focus on fiber. Seek out meals that have at least half of the total carbs from fiber, when possible, Harris-Pincus says. “Focus on fiber instead of cutting carbs. If each carbohydrate-based food you eat is also high in fiber, you will be full and need to consume fewer calories overall—which leads to weight loss.”