Cabbage is healthy food – Stabroek News

Throughout my childhood, my mother would cook ‘greens,’ like cabbage, bora and pak-choi, which would be combined with rice or roti for lunch and/or dinner.

Quite a few times, as I recall, I complained and voiced my dislike for cabbage but she would insist that I eat every morsel.

Over time, I grew to like cabbage and now, whenever I am preparing for a show, I consume it almost daily as part of my diet, since I prefer that fibre source as opposed to broccoli.

It turns out that mom was onto something. Cabbage is packed with excellent health benefits.

Even though cabbage is very low in calories, it has an impressive nutrient profile.

In fact, just 1 cup (89 grammes) of raw green cabbage contains:

• Calories: 22

• Protein: 1 gramme

• Fibre: 2 grammes

• Vitamin K: 85% of the recommended dietary intake (RDI)

• Vitamin C: 54% of the RDI

• Folate: 10% of the RDI

• Manganese: 7% of the RDI

• Vitamin B6: 6% of the RDI

• Calcium: 4% of the RDI

• Potassium: 4% of the RDI

• Magnesium: 3% of the RDI

Cabbage also contains small amounts of other micronutrients, including vitamin A, iron and riboflavin. As you can see in the list above, it is rich in vitamin B6 and folate, both of which are essential for many important processes in the body, including energy metabolism and the normal functioning of the nervous system.

In addition, cabbage is high in fibre and contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols and sulfur compounds. Cabbage is also especially high in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that may protect against heart disease, certain cancers and vision loss. If you can, use red cabbage as it is considered more nutrition-potent than its green counterpart.

It helps with digestion

If you want to improve your digestive health, fibre-rich cabbage is the way to go.

This crunchy vegetable is full of gut-friendly insoluble fibre, a type of carbohydrate that can’t be broken down in the intestines. Insoluble fibre helps keep the digestive system healthy by adding bulk to stools and promoting regular bowel movements.

What’s more, it’s rich in soluble fibre, which has been shown to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

May lower blood pressure

High blood pressure affects more than one billion people worldwide and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Doctors often advise patients with high blood pressure to reduce their salt intake. However, recent evidence suggests that increasing dietary potassium is just as important for lowering blood pressure. Potassium is an important mineral and electrolyte that the body needs to function properly. One of its main jobs is to help regulate blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium in the body.

Some studies suggest that the high polyphenol content in red cabbage might reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing platelet buildup and reducing blood pressure.

Bottom line

Cabbage is an exceptionally healthy food.

It has an outstanding nutrient profile and is especially high in vitamins C and K. In addition, eating cabbage may even help lower the risk of certain diseases, improve and combat inflammation.

Plus, cabbage makes a tasty and inexpensive addition to a number of recipes.With so many potential health benefits, it is easy to see why cabbage deserves some time in the spotlight and some room on your plate.

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