Certain foods, such as caffeine or alcohol, have the potential to trigger AFib. A diet that promotes heart health may help manage and reduce the symptoms of this condition. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a type of arrhythmia that affects the upper chambers of the heart. The electrical impulses that control these chambers fire in a disorganized way, leading to an irregular heartbeat. AFib itself is not a life threatening condition. However, it can increase the risk of stroke, blood clots, […]

These national guidelines were introduced in the UK in 1983, following studies which suggested saturated fat is the chief villain when it comes to obesity and heart disease. Over the ensuing seven decades, randomised trials and meta-analyses have repeatedly questioned the merits of a low-fat diet – but it has been enshrined in American and British health guidance, and in our national psyche.  “As scientists dug deeper into the effects of fat on health, it became clear that full-fat dairy […]

(Photo by Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels) By Talker By Sharin Hussain via SWNS A junk food diet combined with eating sugar-free snacks can lead to an upset stomach, a new study claims. The artificial sweetener sorbitol, a sugar alcohol used in sweets and chewing gum is difficult to digest due to changes in the gut microbiome caused by high-fat foods and antibiotics. First author of the study Dr. Jee-Yon Lee, of University of California Davis said: “Our research suggests that […]

Sign up for a full digest of all the best opinions of the week in our Voices Dispatches email Sign up to our free weekly Voices newsletter People who rule out foods based on if they are ultra-processed could potentially be denying themselves some healthier food options, a new study suggests. While ultra-processed foods tend to be higher in fat, saturated fat, sugar and lower in fibre, protein and micronutrients, not all are unhealthy, researchers said. Standard front-of-package food labels […]

When it comes to achieving fat loss goals, it’s crucial to recognize the significant role that diet plays. While exercise certainly contributes to overall health and fitness, research consistently demonstrates that diet has a more substantial impact on fat loss than exercise alone. This isn’t to downplay the importance of physical activity; rather, it highlights the fundamental principle that what we eat directly influences our body composition, metabolism, and energy levels. While exercise burns calories and helps build muscle, it’s […]

Health and Mind: Eat More, weigh less? Published 3:23 pm Friday, February 9, 2024 By Cara O’Neill Clark County Health Department How to manage your weight without being hungry Have you tried to lose weight by cutting down the amount of food you eat? Do you still feel hungry and not satisfied after eating? Or have you avoided trying to lose weight because you’re afraid of feeling hungry all the time? If so, you are not alone. Many people throw […]

Snacks often get a bad reputation, but you can snack on the right foods and include them in a heart-healthy diet. Making heart-healthy snack choices can add more nutrition to your diet and keep you energized and full between meals.  Rather than reaching for snacks that contain lots of saturated fats, sugar, and salt, consider snacking on whole foods. This includes fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. These healthy snack options can add fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins […]

Spicy food lovers know that milk can ease the oral burn, but the reason behind why that happens hasn’t always been clear? Some people believe that fat is the soother, with whole cow’s milk reducing the bite more than low-fat cow’s milk or plant-based alternatives. However, a new study conducted by Penn State food scientists suggests that protein plays a role in cooling the heat sensation, too. Full-fat milk is not more effective than fat-free milk in cooling the burning […]

The World Health Organization​ (WHO) is partnering with not-for-profit organisation, Resolve to Save Lives​, to support the development and implementation of the REPLACE​ action package, an initiative providing counties with a framework for eliminating industrially produced trans fat from their national food supplies. In recognition of their progress in this endeavour, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand have been awarded certificates validating their achievements. Figures released by the WHO show strong results from these countries during the first five […]

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Spicy food lovers know that milk can ease the oral burn, but why? Some believe that fat is the soother, with whole cow’s milk reducing the bite more than low-fat cow’s milk or plant milks. A new study conducted by Penn State food scientists, however, suggests that protein plays a role in cooling the heat sensation, too. Full-fat milk is not more effective than fat-free milk in cooling the burning sensation, according to the results of […]