Declaration of Leaders’ Summit on Global Food Security

We, the leaders of the Governments of Spain, the United States of America, the African Union, the European Union, Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, and Nigeria, having met on September 20, 2022, affirm our commitment to act with urgency, at scale and in concert, to respond to the urgent food security and nutrition needs of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Food systems and global food security are at a critical moment.  The compounded impacts from a global pandemic, growing pressures from the climate crisis, high energy and fertilizer prices, and protracted conflicts, including Russia’s latest invasion of Ukraine have disrupted production and supply chains and dramatically increased global food insecurity, especially for the most vulnerable.

We can only overcome global food insecurity by working together to create innovative partnerships – including international financial institutions and other key stakeholders – within the global community.  We commit to strengthen international cooperation and partnership initiatives between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations as well as civil society organizations. As of September 20, 2022, over 100 United Nations Member States have endorsed the Roadmap for Global Food Security – Call to Action.

We underscore the need to act with sustained urgency and in coordination to fulfill the goals of the 2021 Food Systems Summit – as well as to respond to immediate humanitarian needs and build more resilient agriculture and food systems along these seven specific lines of action:

  1. Make new, additive financial donations to key humanitarian organizations to allow for an increased provision of immediate life-saving humanitarian assistance wherever possible;
  2. Provide, where possible and as needed, in-kind donations and necessary associated costs to key humanitarian organizations for transportation and delivery of food commodities based on assessed needs by governments of affected countries or humanitarian organizations;
  3. Keep food, fertilizer, and agricultural markets open and avoid unjustified restrictive measures, such as export bans on food and fertilizer, which increase market volatility and threaten food security and nutrition at a global scale;
  4. Support an increase of fertilizer production, where possible and as needed, in order to compensate for shortages, accelerate and scale-up fertilizer innovations, support their marketing, and promote methods to maximize fertilizer efficiency
  5. Accelerate efforts to support sustainable agriculture and food systems, through strengthening agricultural productivity, particularly in the most affected countries to build their resilience and support domestic production, including as appropriate through efforts to support an energy transition that is just and equitable, to make them more resilient and available to producers of all scale, including small holder farmers;
  6. Increase investments in research and technology to develop and implement science-based and climate-resilient agricultural innovations, including seeds, that contribute to building sustainable and resilient agricultural sectors and food systems; and
  7. Monitor markets affecting food systems, including futures markets, to ensure full transparency, and to share reliable and timely data and information on global food market developments, especially through the relevant international organizations.

Download the Declaration
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Sweetcorn and spicy salad: Joe Woodhouse’s recipes for grilled vegetables | Food

Sun Sep 25 , 2022
Barbecue season may have passed, but all grilling – outdoor or indoor – imparts an addictive smokiness to food. Today’s Turkish salad uses the initial energy of the flames; I love tumbling veg on to a barbecue (or griddle pan), where the high heat cooks them quickly, which helps keep them juicy. And just about everyone loves elotes, a Mexican street food of grilled and dressed sweetcorn. Mind you, everything is better cooked over fire or scorched. Grilled elotes (pictured […]
Sweetcorn and spicy salad: Joe Woodhouse’s recipes for grilled vegetables | Food

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