Price is not always synonymous with quality and there are delicacies that do not threaten your savings. However, there are also foods that can be considered small luxuries and that only a few people will be able to taste throughout their lives. Here are some of the most expensive foods in the world that cost a pretty penny:

1. Almas Caviar –
The world’s most expensive Caviar is ‘Almas’ that produced from the eggs of a very rare female albino sturgeon between 60 and 100 years old originally hailing from southern Caspian Sea near Iran but they are now almost extinct in their native environment. You have to pay around $34,500 ( Over 25 lakh) per kg to buy it.
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2. Saffron –
Known as ‘red gold’ hailing from the Middle East, it is the one of the most expensive species in the world which cost around $10,000 ( Over Rs 7 lakh) per kg. Its production requires a lot of patience and many hours of manual work to extract the small pistils from each crocus sativus flower. Around 150 flowers produce just 1 gram of dried saffron.
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3. Ayam Cemani Black Chicken –
Also known as black chicken, originates from Indonesia. With the exception of his blood, everything is absolutely black, from his feathers to his flesh, including his tongue and his organs! Extremely rare, this breed of poultry costs a pretty sum of $5000 (Rs 3.7 lakh) per pair.

4. White Truffles –
Also known as Italian white truffle or Piedmont white truffle, it’s the most exclusive and appreciated variety of truffle which costs around $2100 (Around Rs 1.5 lakh) per kg. Hailing from northern Italy, truffles require very specific conditions to grow.

5. Matsutake Mushrooms –
This is one of the most expensive mushrooms which grows in Japan’s Tamba region. It is associated with the beginning of autumn and is considered a delicacy in the Japanese cuisine. Especially difficult to find and fragile, it is roughly priced between $1,000 to $2,000 (Rs 75,000 to Rs 1.5 lakh) for a pound (1 pound = 1.36 kg).
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6. Kopi Luwak Coffee –
The rarest and most expensive coffee in the world is made from coffee beans that are collected from the feces of the civet, a small cat that lives in some parts of Asia. The cat eats the coffee berries and excretes the whole beans. As they can’t digest the beans, workers collect their precious droppings that are then washed, pounded, dried and roasted. It cost as much as around $600 (Around Rs 44,000) per pound.
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7. Swallow’s Nest Soup –
Very popular in China, swallow nests sell for a high price. The main ingredient is the nest of the swiftlet bird which is usually found in Southeast Asia. The most common are white and black-nest swiftlet nests, which run between $5,000 and $6,000 (Approx Rs 40,000) per kg. The nests are also called the “Caviar of the East ”.
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8. Moose Cheese –
This cheese, which comes from the farm from Moose House in Sweden, is also included in the world’s most expensive food list. You literally can’t get it anywhere else in the world. This cheese is produced with 5 liters of milk every day. Its price is $500 (Rs 37,000) per pound.

9. Dry-Cured Iberian Ham –
It’s one of the best and most expensive Ham in the world which is obtained from pigs that only eat acorns, which gives the meat a particular nutty flavor. For taste and quality of the meat they were cured for a minimum of three years. It cost approximately $390 (Around Rs 28,000) per kg.

10. Fugu Fish –
The Fugu or puffer fish, known to be the most dangerous in the world because its consumption can be fatal if it is not prepared properly only highly trained and licensed chefs are allowed to serve it because there is no cure for its poison. It cost around $300 (Over Rs 22,000) per fish.