Myths busters- The New Indian Express

By Express News Service

Myth: All expensive packaged foods are healthy
Fact: The cost of food items cannot be equated to being healthy or unhealthy. A few expensive packaged foods are ultra processed and are loaded with high saturated fat salts and sugars

Myth: It’s a healthy choice to go on a fat free diet
Fact: Dietary guidelines from the World Health Organization and the Dietary Reference Intakes recommend a total fat intake between 20% and 35% of total calories for a healthy individual. Fat provides essential nutrients and should be an important part of a healthy eating plan

Myth: Gluten-free is the new normal to good health and weight loss
Fact: Gluten-free foods are not healthy option if you don’t have celiac disease or are not sensitive to gluten. A gluten-free diet is not part of a weight-loss diet and is not intended to help you lose weight

Myth: Fruits are best when consumed along with meal 
Fact: In healthy individuals replacing a meal with fruits or consuming a fruit prior to meal or even along with a meal is healthy. In people with diabetes, remember to space the fruit and meal by two hours, unless the person is very sick or advised based on physical activity

Myth: Diabetics should eat special diet for improved blood glucose
Fact: A customized diet is not any different from what is healthy for the entire family 

—Compiled by Sinduja Jane

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A Dietitian's Take: Debunking 5 of the biggest nutrition myths online

Wed Jul 12 , 2023
Scrolling through gut health TikTok, watching a diet pill commercial, or reading a “health” magazine has probably put all sorts of different dieting ideas into your head. So, what’s the right thing to believe? It’s hard to really know. Especially when even fellow health professionals can sometimes spread false nutritional information. It’s easy to feel torn on what to believe, and even I fall into that as a dietitian. However, there are some big things that have to be set […]
A Dietitian’s Take: Debunking 5 of the biggest nutrition myths online

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