AUSTIN (KXAN) — More than 200 volunteers from Austin’s Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd helped package more than 35,000 meals Sunday, in collaboration with international nonprofit Rise Against Hunger. The meals will help feed people facing hunger and food insecurity across the world, per a press release. Approximately 250 people were expected to take part in Sunday’s packaging drive. More than 190,000 meals have been packaged and delivered since the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd began collaborating with […]

Dealia Hamilton stands smiling behind the red crockpot of beef rouladen she made for the food fair. Standing behind her (left to right) are Dera Hamilton, Josh Pardo, Linda Hamilton, Jacob Hubb, Gregory Hubb and Polly Barton. Guests in the school gymnasium are seated at tables decorated by the school children which featured handcrafted world flag place mats and runners. Next > The Salmon Church in Idaho held an International Food Fair in their school gymnasium on Jan. 16. The […]

Volunteers at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Gastonia were a well oiled machine Sunday afternoon as they worked to feed the hungry around the world. Volunteers in hairnets gathered around a table, as the process began of stuffing clear plastic bags with a pack of vitamins, dehydrated soy protein, dehydrated veggies and a scoop of rice.  Bags were then pushed forward to others to weigh, seal, and then pack up. The bags of food help support Rise Against Hunger, an international […]