The macronutrients protein, fat, and carbs each play a unique role in our bodies. Protein builds and maintains muscles and bones, fat provides insulation and helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. and carbs energize the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. But sometimes, balancing these needs can be challenging, especially if you’re trying to lose weight and maintain muscle mass. Following a high-protein, low-fat diet can help achieve both goals. This type of diet not only helps with […]

The Ga Nuong banh mi from Banh Mi Brothers. Alex Barrymore/courtesy of Hau Doan READ MORE How to eat healthy at Charlotte restaurants in 2024 If you’re trying a new diet and don’t know how to order when you go out to eat, check out our guide: Going on a low-fat diet in Charlotte in 2024? Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean giving up the joys of dining out. On a low-fat diet, the goal is to limit the intake of […]

If you’re trying to lose weight, opting for fat-free alternatives to your favorite foods could seem like a good way to go in order to lower your calorie intake and drop pounds faster. After all, doesn’t the idea of indulging in sweet treats without gaining weight sound amazing? However, it’s not that simple. The fact is that many low-fat or fat-free options can actually be worse for you in the long run. That’s because these foods are oftentimes loaded with sugar […]

Scan the dairy case of any grocery store, and you’ll find rows upon rows of products with varying levels of fat. Nonfat, low-fat, whole: What’s the healthiest option? If you consult the U.S. dietary guidelines or health authorities like the American Heart Association or the World Health Organization, the answer is clear: Choose a fat-free or low-fat version. This recommendation stems from the idea that full-fat dairy products are high in saturated fats, so choosing lower-fat versions can reduce your […]

Carbs and fats are those delicious temptations that make your taste buds dance but your jeans cry. If that is the notion you’ve got, then let’s take a couple of minutes to change it as we discuss the real deal with a high-carb low–fat diet, not a low-carb/no-fat diet.  Welcome to the world of a low-fat high-carb diet where nutritional paradigms are challenged and taste buds rejoice. What was once considered a staple food for civilizations worldwide was demolished in […]

There are a few different reasons why a pet parent may be considering switching their dog’s diet to a low-fat one. Firstly, dogs who are obese may need help dropping excess weight. And secondly, low-fat dog food can be beneficial for dogs who can’t eat standard dog food, which is higher in fat. But with so many options out there, which low-fat dog foods are best, and when should you make the switch? We talked to several vets about when […]

The study, carried out by a team based at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and published in the International Journal of Food Science & Technology investigated how ‘healthy option’ packaging labels feed into shoppers’ subconscious, sparking a range of behaviours which can lead to consuming more calories than they think. Faced with a bewildering array of food choices, the study found time poor shoppers tend to place trust in the ‘at a glance’ front of package messages rather than reading the […]

If you’re borderline diabetic, paying attention to what you eat and limiting the amount of sugar you consume is crucial. In some cases, the culprits are obvious; you likely know not to overindulge in sugary desserts and candy. However, there are some seemingly “healthy” options that could actually raise your risk of diabetes. In many cases, fat-free foods are actually loaded with sugar. For this reason, it’s always important to be conscious of the ingredients in everything you’re consuming, especially […]

Finding lower-fat menu items at fast-food restaurants isn’t an easy feat. Most fast food choices are laden with fat, especially saturated fat, which has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease. To be able to enjoy fast food as part of a lower-fat diet, your best bet is to be prepared. Below are 10 fast food menu options that provide less than 30% of total calories from fat for the meal. Although total fat is kept in check, […]

If you’ve been researching different diets for weight loss, you’ve likely come across suggestions for a low-fat diet. While there is not one right way to approach weight loss, low-fat diets have maintained popularity over the past several decades. Most people can successfully achieve weight loss with a variety of approaches, but limiting fat in your diet is one popular way to reduce the total number of calories you eat. Read on to learn the best low-fat diet for weight […]