By Jasmine B. Suiza, RND Photo: Freepik   “Fat is bad for your health!” “Fat makes you fat!” “A high-fat diet is the newest trend!”   The spectrum of myths and misconceptions involving fat, as they say, are too many to mention. Some people think of it as an evil nutrient, while others hail it for its weight loss “prowess.” What should you really believe in? Here are five myths about fats that everyone—including the “nutrition and fitness gurus”—should unlearn. […]

There are many tips for weight loss on the internet. If you are trying to lose weight, you have probably read a tonne of articles to find the right food, diet, and exercise to guide yourself. However, before you can start getting healthy, you need to get rid of a few false beliefs about weight loss. Here are 5 myths and assumptions about losing weight that you should know. “Low-fat foods are the better option” Many junk foods have been […]

Scrolling through gut health TikTok, watching a diet pill commercial, or reading a “health” magazine has probably put all sorts of different dieting ideas into your head. So, what’s the right thing to believe? It’s hard to really know. Especially when even fellow health professionals can sometimes spread false nutritional information. It’s easy to feel torn on what to believe, and even I fall into that as a dietitian. However, there are some big things that have to be set […]

By Express News Service Myth: All expensive packaged foods are healthyFact: The cost of food items cannot be equated to being healthy or unhealthy. A few expensive packaged foods are ultra processed and are loaded with high saturated fat salts and sugars Myth: It’s a healthy choice to go on a fat free dietFact: Dietary guidelines from the World Health Organization and the Dietary Reference Intakes recommend a total fat intake between 20% and 35% of total calories for a healthy individual. […]

The word fat has such negative connotations in our culture that many of us shy away from foods that contain it. But dietary fat is a very different thing than the fat cells we carry in our bodies—and we need to eat it for good health. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about the macronutrient called fat, and the truth that can really ease your mind (and improve your meals!). Myth #1: Fat is terrible for your heart. […]

Myth No. 6: White potatoes are bad for you. Potatoes have often been vilified in the nutrition community because of their high glycemic index — which means they contain rapidly digestible carbohydrates that can spike your blood sugar. However, potatoes can actually be beneficial for health, said Daphene Altema-Johnson, a program officer of food communities and public health at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber and other nutrients, especially when […]

When it arrives to taking in healthily, we all know the standard rule of having our five a day and drinking a great deal of drinking water. But when making an attempt to retain up to day with the newest nutritional advice, it can look as nevertheless superfoods are transforming all the time, and a week won’t go by with no a new development hitting the headlines. Is it any speculate several of us sense clueless? How can we know […]

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat — also referred to as “healthy fats” — praised for their potential protective roles in several chronic diseases, such as heart disease and dementia. They are one of the key building blocks for cell membranes and remain a subject of interest in the scientific community. The family of omega-3 fatty acids includes: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) stearidonic acid (SDA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) DHA and EPA are […]