The global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, the United Nations (UN) reports. With the growth of people worldwide comes added pressures for food supply, security and the systems managing the supply chain behind them. “It’s clear our current food systems are unsustainable,” ​James Petrie, CEO of Australian food tech company Nourish Ingredients, told FoodNavigator. Research data indicates that 77% of agricultural land is used to grow animals despite providing only 18% of calories and 37% of […]

If you’re trying to shed some pounds this winter, you may be putting extra thought into the items you put into your cart at the grocery store. After all, your diet is one of the most important aspects of weight management, and the first step to eating healthy is stocking your kitchen with healthy foods. Some things are a no-brainer: don’t overindulge in processed, salty snacks; stay away from sugar-loaded desserts, etc. However, some items on the shelves may have […]

Promotional content Taste trend alert: Asian street food burger fusion​ Americana​ brand new research reveals that 86% of consumers think Asian flavours could be the next big flavour in street food and burgers, inspiring vendors to spice up their menus and capitalise on this growing taste trend. 33% of consumers purchase street food at least once a week, and 35% order a burger out of home once a week or more. Almost half of respondents say that the opportunity to […]

The new formula for food companies was to take out fat and add masses of sugars to make products more palatable. Fat-free cakes, yoghurts and cereals hit our shelves, while butter gave way to low fat margarine. Sausages and steak were replaced with pasta and rice. Because of its high calorie content, it was believed that eating fat made us fatter and increased our risk of heart disease. To understand how we got to this spectacularly low point in our […]

For a cool-weather meal that feeds a crowd, consider a braise. Slow simmered and deeply flavored, it has a number of attractive qualities. For one thing, it benefits from steeping in its own juices; cooking it several hours ahead of serving, even a day before, is ideal. The flavors intensify, mature, strengthen. The best braising cuts include beef chuck, lamb shoulder or pork shoulder. But chicken is the easiest to braise, since it takes less time to cook than red […]

A delicious pudding that won’t spoil your health kick – Andrew Crowley At the risk of spoiling your enjoyment forever, one serving of traditional sticky toffee pudding contains 71g of sugar, which is more than double the recommended daily intake of 30g, and 21g of saturated fat. This healthier, fat-free version that more than halves the calories, takes out over 30g of sugar and provides a useful 3.5g of fibre (of the recommended 30g per day). Ingredients 175g Medjool dates, […]

Turkey day is fast approaching, and whether you’re packing up to hit the road or staying put while searching for last-minute recipe ideas, like Thanksgiving appetizers, you’re not alone. Every year before the poultry-centric holiday, Americans begin to ask the same questions: When do I defrost my turkey? How many pounds should I plan to serve per person? And once again, Google Trends has released its insights into the top trending Thanksgiving topics. In an undated stock photo, a family […]

There are a few different reasons why a pet parent may be considering switching their dog’s diet to a low-fat one. Firstly, dogs who are obese may need help dropping excess weight. And secondly, low-fat dog food can be beneficial for dogs who can’t eat standard dog food, which is higher in fat. But with so many options out there, which low-fat dog foods are best, and when should you make the switch? We talked to several vets about when […]

Christmas is a great time of year, isn’t it? As a child in New Zealand, I found it so exciting to sit at a big table that was beautifully laid with candles, tangerines and walnuts. My mother used to send us out to chop down the Christmas tree, so we’d go off, find a sappy pine, saw it down and carry it home. The tree is still very important to me. Fergus and I have been collecting decorations forever There’s […]

At a lot just off Highway 101 and Woodside Road, Daniel Ver Linden popped open a 100-pound lid hiding an underground vault, lined with brick, dark, silent. It’s not supposed to be silent. Daniel Ver Linden deals with the aftermath of what people pour into drains or toss into toilets. It’s not pretty. He clicked on a flashlight. The light revealed a grayish mass running the length of the vault, then disappearing down a pipe beyond the light’s reach.    […]