Discovery’s Food Network is hungry for more on-the-road cooking improv escapades from the Try Guys, the YouTube viral-video comedy troupe. The cabler picked up “No Recipe Road Trip With the Try Guys” to series, with an additional five-episode order. Food Network previously had announced a deal with the Try Guys for a one-off special of the same name; the special will now air as part of Season 1 so there will now be six episodes total. No premiere date has […]

HANCOCK, Mich. (AP) — Dr. Michelle Seguin of the Portage Health Foundation has banded together with other like-minded health food lovers to share that love with the community by forming a group called Growing From the Heart. “In 2020, right when the pandemic started, we developed a program that was kind of modeled off the nationwide program called Plant a Row for the Hungry, which encourages people to plant literally an extra row in their garden to donate to food […]

There may be times when you are missing one or more ingredients for a recipe, want to swap out ingredients to change the flavor profile of a dish, or would like to make a particular recipe healthier. Some cooks are hesitant to stray from a printed recipe, but with a little practice, creativity, and knowledge about how ingredients function in a recipe, you may come up with a number of new favorites. If you are missing an ingredient for a […]

Right now the dominating force in the fast food universe is the breakfast menu. It’s like the Death Star or [insert your favorite nerdy MacGuffin here] of the fast food conversation! If you don’t pay as exhaustingly close attention to the scene as we do, you might not realize that just a decade ago few drive-thru restaurants had a breakfast menu that even came close to the size of McDonald’s, if they had one at all. But in 2021, we […]

Social media is awash with aesthetic snapshots of gourmet dishes, boozy brunches and easy-to-follow recipes. You may even come across pictures of bulk-prepped Tupperware meals, takeaway pizza, a meal deal from your local supermarket or simply a latte in a reusable cup – our obsession with food is clear. With this love of all things food comes the ever-growing conversation of the environment, the reasons why we should source food closer to home, and learning how to make the most […]

September traditionally brings us the usual “back to school” doldrums, but for the Garden State, our season of fresh fun is still going strong. Farm stands continue to brim with an abundance of options at the tail end of summer. The recipes are ripe with best of nature’s offerings in New Jersey. Photo courtesy of Getty Images Jersey is the proud parent of the tomato, zucchini and homegrown eggplant. Put these together with a few other ingredients, and you have […]

After getting infected with coronavirus, the body needs more protein-rich and nutritious food. People who are infected with the covid-19 virus need to work on building stronger immunity. This is possible only if they have a healthy diet followed by other health choices. What we eat right now is linked with preventing, fighting and recovering from Covid-19 infection.Also Read – 7 Most Important Nutrients to Eat During Pregnancy There is no guarantee as to what food will prevent getting affected […]

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CHARLESTON, W.Va. – U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $650,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition for the West Virginia Lettuce Support SNAP Stretch project. This funding is allocated through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 and will work to incentivize and increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables among families participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program […]

SHREWSBURY — A concert on Friday at the Community Meeting House will benefit the Vermont Farmers Food Center (VFFC) Farmacy Project, Rutland County’s Food as Medicine Prescription program. Emma Hileman, Farmacy project director for the VFFC, said the project is in its seventh year. “Members are signed up through their health care providers to receive a free CSA (community supported agriculture) share that we curate here at the Vermont Farmers Food Center. Most of our members have chronic health conditions […]