The Highland community in west Gastonia has lacked a grocery store for decades, but there are steps being taken to lessen food scarcity in the community. In May, Donyel Barber helped to create a food kitchen in the food-scarce area, known as RAMS kitchen, an acronym for Really Amazing Meals with Soul. Barber, a member of Gastonia City Council, hopes to expand the healthy resources of the kitchen by opening a food truck in January 2022. “The City Council has been working […]
Volunteers at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Gastonia were a well oiled machine Sunday afternoon as they worked to feed the hungry around the world. Volunteers in hairnets gathered around a table, as the process began of stuffing clear plastic bags with a pack of vitamins, dehydrated soy protein, dehydrated veggies and a scoop of rice. Bags were then pushed forward to others to weigh, seal, and then pack up. The bags of food help support Rise Against Hunger, an international […]