The US Food and Drug Administration issued a proposed rule on September 29 setting forth new criteria for the labeling of food products with the nutrient content claim “healthy” intended to help consumers more easily navigate nutrition labels and to make healthier purchasing decisions. Per the proposed rule, labeling is to be consistent with current nutrition science, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA or Agency) updated Nutrition Facts label, and the Federal Dietary Guidelines. Use of the “healthy” claim by […]

A few summers ago, on the way back from a morning on the beach in southern Sicily, we stopped to get pizza for lunch. I remember this for several reasons. Because as I got out of the car, the Y strap pulled out of the base of my blue flip-flop – a little thing with an enormous effect. Because, while I was waiting in front of the pizza cabinet still thinking about my foot, a tray of just-baked things the […]