In this episode, we countdown the top five food and drink manufacturing sustainability trends taken from our analysis of stories published on We talk deposit return schemes and the challenges in making them viable in the UK, green claims and the threat of greenwashing and the circular economy. No spoilers for the top two trends – you’ll just have to listen and find out for yourself! Good month, bad month This month also sees the return of our now […]
WEST LAFAYETTE (AP) — Purdue’s May Consumer Food Insights observed food spending at its highest level since the report’s inception, with consumers spending six to seven percent more on food now than they were a year ago. The survey assesses food spending, consumer satisfaction and values, support of agricultural and food policies, and trust in information sources. The report also tracked an uptick in food insecurity rates. Some highlights of the insights include Food insecurity being up to 16 percent but […]
Farming ministers today called for sustainability considerations to feature more prominently when it comes to setting food safety standards for international trade. In conclusions approved at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, ministers recognised the crucial role of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in facilitating the transition to sustainable food systems, and reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to maintaining high standards and fair practices. They also highlighted the EU’s willingness to explore, together with its partners, all pragmatic ways of integrating sustainability […]