Make it a point to choose food that promotes good gut health
There are certain foods which are a big no-no when it comes to keeping your gut healthy and clean. They irritate the mucosal lining of the gut by killing the good bacteria and promoting the growth of bad bacteria. Here is the list of healthy food
♦ Hydrogenated (vegetable oil)
♦ Wheat/ maida/ any flour or bread containing gluten
♦ Milk and milk products
♦ Processed/ genetically modified foods
♦ Organic cold-pressed (ghani) groundnut oil/coconut oil/ homemade ghee (cow)
♦ Soaked or sprouted brown rice, wheat with fibre (khapali gehu),
♦ Probiotic supplements
♦ Natural and organic foods
► Here are some additional notes:
♦ You can plant stevia in your house as well and avoid buying it from the store.
♦ You can have full-fat curd or yogurt or buttermilk because they contain good, gut-health supporting bacteria.
♦ Antibiotics, analgesics and other medications kill most of your gut flora. Be extra careful.
► The writer is a Doctor, Nutritionist & founder of Nutracy Lifestyle — a diet, fitness and lifestyle venture.
Youtube: DrRohiniSomnathPatil
Instagram: dr.rohini.somnath.patil
All these diets have some pros and cons, and can have different effects on people with underlying health issues. Before following any of these diets you should first consult with a registered dietician or physician.