BOSTON – The World Health Organization has updated its guidance on how much fat and carbs we should be eating with the goal of making people healthier.
The new guidance will help to prevent people from gaining weight and reduce the risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. The WHO continues to recommend limiting total fat consumption to 30% or less of daily calories but emphasizes replacing saturated and trans fats with healthier fats from plant sources such as olive and vegetable oils.
As for carbs, the organization now recommends that everyone 2 years and older should get their carbs primarily from whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and that adults should consume at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables (which is about five servings) and 25 grams of naturally occurring dietary fiber per day. You can do that by adding more beans, lentils, whole-grain bread, pasta and cereals, brown rice, fruits, and nuts to your diet.
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